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Cataloxy Wangara...Companies in WangaraBusiness ServicesServices to businessesProperty development, management and sales servicesProperty North

Property North

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Real estate agency specialising in Property Management for Perth's northern suburbs.

Property North is a family owned business based in Wanneroo and services properties North of Perth. We pride ourselves on offering impeccable service, with a hands on approach to communicating and caring for all of our clients.

Our costs are kept down which means our fees can be lower - saving you money! Our services included a full management service, selling property or specialist services. We have an office located in Wangara with child friendly facilities, and we are open via appointment.

Teneille Mastai, the Licensee of the business has over 14 years experience in Real Estate and uses her extensive knowledge to branch out and assist owners with their valued investments.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Property North in Wangara you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 8A O'Connor Way, WA 6065
Wangara, Western Australia
Opening hours:
Mon — Fri:from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, no break
Sat — Sun:closed
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